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Tuesday 6 August 2013


You can be green to go; feeling a bit green around the gills; have a few greenbacks; have a green thumb; be green with envy; eating your greens; or get the green tick.

Green is the colour of life. It is the colour of most plants, and part of the sea, as well as being associated with the earth in general. It is also the colour of go, or good. It can also be associated with both health and sickness.

Common associations with green are nature, life, plants, trees, grass, sea, seaweed, algae, moss, thumb, inexperienced, new, good, go, right, envy, healthy, sick, botany, lime, vegetables, growth, money (mainly US) or profit. A lighter green can seem more sickly than a darker, richer green.

Green is my favourite colour; particularly a deep green. As I said before, it's the colour of life; it brings to mind many adventures out in nature, and some good friends and good songs. For me, it's also particularly new life; and, as such, hope.

The song for today is Green, by Brendan James. (Not me; he's my American "cousin" I found out about a little while ago. His website is here: )

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