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Monday 30 December 2013


I've been encouraged by a good friend to get back into doing this a bit more. So I shall have a go.

I've recently been writing out my testimony, because I've been asked by my church to do it as part of a sermon series they do in January, called "Real Stories, Real Faith". Essentially, it's people from the congregation giving their testimonies.
Now, I've given my testimony before, but giving a 5 minute talk to a couple of dozen school kids you don't know is very different to doing a 20 minute talk in front of thirty or so that you do.

And it's been quite an interesting process trying to get it all down. I had an original plan, that I haven't been able to keep to, unfortunately. I had it planned out which topics I was going to talk on, and for how long - but it didn't work. It was much too long. So I had to cut one out. And I think it was a good decision; I had a good spot to end on, and it makes it more manageable.
As well as the fact that the topic I cut out was essentially this year, which I still don't quite understand. It's only really just finished; I haven't had time to process it all yet. And from past experience, its always taken me a while before I've really understood something's significance, on this scale. Maybe I'll understand it this time next year; maybe a bit further down the line. I don't know.

I think I find it very easy to become disconnected when I start talking about myself. I'm hoping that that won't be the case here. It certainly seemed to be that way when I practiced it first today (I only just finished writing it today), but I don't know. Maybe I just need to practice it more.
It's actually one of the reasons I've stopped writing out my communion speeches word for word - so that there is that element of emotion, that improvisation and creation in the moment, that I think people connect with. But it's a bit tricky to do that when you've got a 20 minute speech. I mean, you want me to just talk for twenty minutes about me - sure, I can do that. But with structure, and clear points and such, introduction and conclusion - not so much.

But yeah. I think it'll be good. But I don't really know. God does. He's teaching me to trust him at the moment.

If you're interested, it's at Campbelltown Church of Christ, 65 Woodhouse Drive Ambarvale, 5th January at 6pm. I think I have a couple of people coming, but I'm not expecting too many.

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