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Tuesday 25 October 2016

Human Rights That Should Be.

People should at least be moderately familiar with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations. (Do you realise that was back in 1948? Yep, 68 years ago. Wow.) But I think there are some other things that should be human rights as well. Some people might argue about whether these fit the definition of 'rights' - let's just say that I think these should be truths, universally recognised, for every human. They aren't in any particular order. Just as they come to mind. Some are also more serious than others, as you'll note, but I think they're all still worth saying, for various reasons. These also may overlap with rights that actually do exist, I'm no expert.

  1. Nothing that a person may do, say, or think, can detract, or add, in any way, to their humanity.
  2. Every person has the right to good food. Not just enough to get by; but eating healthily, and well. Having a variety of food available.
  3. People can never be bought or sold, bartered for, or given in exchange for services rendered.
  4. All individuals, countries, races, or tribes, have the right to have their story told and recorded.
  5. All individuals should have choice over what media and information they are shown, including advertising material, excepting critical news from government bodies and emergency services.
  6. An individual that receives any ongoing service or subscription has the freedom to end the service or subscription at any point in time, and must be able to do so in a way that does not require the individual to make personal contact with the provider of the service or subscription.
  7. People should not be restricted (whether directly or indirectly) from entering or leaving a country or area because of circumstances of their birth, such as nationality, political ties or affiliations, family background, religion, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status and personal wealth, or any other reason.
  8. No person shall be killed as punishment for any crime, no matter how heinous or horrendous.
  9. When entering a country, any individual has the right to free and accessible language tuition to learn the language of that country.
  10. Wherever a person may be, they have the right to whatever emergency healthcare and treatment they require.
  11. a) No person has the right to treat another as 'less'; for example, using insulting and hurtful language, name-calling, bullying, for any reason - be it associated with nationality, gender, religion, looks, past or present actions, sexual orientation or identification, or otherwise.
    b) Every person has the right to disagree with other people, and voice their thoughts. This may not violate 11a), but must be done in a way that is truthful and without malice. Though truth can and does hurt in many cases, it can be shaped to not do so wilfully.
  12. Every person has the right to creative expression, including satire and parody, and should be given opportunity to practice and learn various creative forms and techniques.
  13. Every person has the right to live.
  14. All individuals have the right to free and accessible education, in any and all subjects that they wish to pursue.
  15. All individuals have the right to clean, fresh water that is easily available, and that does not easily run out.
  16. a) Every person has the right to a private and comfortable residence, that provides adequate protection from the environment.
    b) Those unable to provide this for themselves - because of unemployment, ill health, tragic loss or other extenuating circumstances - will have it provided for them by the State or Country in which they reside.
  17. Every individual has the right and freedom to pursue their own passions, interests, or hobbies, provided that these do not contravene national or international law.
  18. Every individual has the right to claim their own personal space, and request that other people refrain from touching them.
  19. Every individual has the right to free hugs.
That's the most important one ;) I'd love to hear your thoughts on these! Please let me know what you think about them, if you think they're stupid or great, what you would add or take out.

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