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Tuesday 4 October 2016

Writings From Beyond #5 - Running With Koalas

This last one I actually did after the workshop. When we did that previous one, Cameron asked us to write down a few abstract ideas that we might try and write about. My instant idea was 'fear is a magpie', and I really liked how I could use that. But the next thing that I thought of that I wanted to write about was self-worth - it's something that's been on my mind a lot lately, and I think it's important to talk about. But I couldn't for the life of me think of an animal to give it, so I did the magpie one in the workshop. I managed to come up with this one later on, but I think it might be a little too similar to Cameron's 'Kindness Is A Guinea Pig', though I tried to make it a little different. I started with the idea that bad self-worth is essentially trying to run away from yourself, and just continued along that track. Anyway, I'll let you have a read, and let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy :)

Running With Koalas
I'm running, running.
Then someone says I did really good work today. 
I go back to running, but suddenly I've got a little koala on my left leg, weighing me down.
It makes running rather more difficult. I keep going, regardless.
Someone else thanks me for helping them out - and before I know it, I've got another koala hitchhiker on my right shoulder.
But I'm determined to not let them slow me down. 
A person tells me that I'm beautiful, and they love me.
A massive koala comes and tackles me right in the chest!
 I can't run - they're too heavy. 
 But then, I realise - they're not dragging me down. They're hugging me. And I don't need to run any more.
 Self-worth is a koala.

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