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Friday 28 December 2018

Wrapping up 2018.....

We've gotten to the end of the year! How did that happen so quickly?

Rather a lot has happened since the beginning of this year. I started working on a play up on the Central Coast, where I was an evil Italian puppeteer (aka Stromboli). I worked as the Assistant Director for the first time on another play down here, Of Mice and Men. I met Thalia, and we started dating! I submitted an application to direct The Crucible, which was accepted. I did another couple of Cru camps. I came up with a new idea for a board game, Discovery. I ended up needing to be on stage for Of Mice and Men, as Whit, the wit-less! I've come over to Perth for Christmas with my Dad's side of the family, where I'm writing this now. And me and Thalia have now been dating for eight months. Which is both ages, and no time at all....

Oh, and work was in there too.

It's been a busy year, but a good year. A really good year. It's been four years now since I did Impart back in 2014, which was previously my best year. A year of spring; new beginnings. Since then, I had some harder years, though there were certainly good things in there as well. But it's been difficult.

This year was another spring year. And it was amazing. It's hard to tell if it was better than 2014 - but it sure gives it a run for its money! There are a lot of incredible things that have been happening this year; dreams being fulfilled, impossible things starting, and adventures beginning.

And as the year comes to an end, I'm just so thankful for everything that's happened. And the vast majority of it has very little to do with my own efforts, or things I've done. Really, it's been thanks to God. He's been very generous to me this year, and it's been incredible seeing what he's been doing over the past twelve months. It hasn't been perfect, no - and I know that my relationship with Thalia has distracted me from my relationship with God at points. Which isn't good. But he keeps sticking with us - for some reason - and it's been amazing seeing that happen.

I have a few ideas about what's ahead for next year. Both in terms of what I know is happening, and also what I want to happen. But I might leave that for another post....

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