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Monday, 31 January 2011

The best medicine.

I've recently decided to take a certain direction with my on stage music, gigs etc, few and far between as they are. Given my limited instrumentation (for those unfamiliar, I'm just a solo act - it's just me singing with my keyboard, no band or backing tracks), I've decided to go with a lot more of my comedy material. As such,  I've been writing a few such songs recently, since I didn't have many down. I'm still going to keep recording my other types of songs, however. I think it should be interesting to see how things turn out.

Continuing on with the same tone, so to speak, I find it interesting how common comedy and comedians are these days. Most people you ask will probably be able to list at least half a dozen different ones. But, conversely, you won't find it as often in your everyday life. Maybe you've got one or two friends who are jokers, or maybe there's one in your family. But how many times do you actually laugh in your day?

Laughter is an amazing thing. The old adage that laughter is the best medicine rings very true, I think. It can do wonderful things for your outlook, your mood - it's a bit hard to be sad or angry when you're laughing. (This is, of course, barring evil genius laughs etc.) And laughter is one of the most infectious forces on this planet. So spread a bit around. Try laughing a bit more. It just might help when things are a bit tough. Try this particular video out here. It's a pretty well known Rowan Atkinson clip, but a great one.

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