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Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Firstly, again, very sorry about the late blog post. I realised it at about 20 past 12 this morning, 5 minutes after I'd gone to bed. Was not happy. Secondly, of course the post title isn't actually a word. :P Call it an extension of one, if you will. Probably a double extension, since I don't think hypocriticality isn't a word either.

But anyway.
Most people that you see in the world today - I would say the vast majority, with a very rare exception - are or have been hypocritical about something. Some people notice it, some don't. It's a difficult thing to avoid, really. Extremely difficult at times, if you manage to put yourself in a bad situation. And us Christians certainly aren't exempt from this. We certainly don't want to be hypocrites, but it's pretty darn hard to avoid. So I guess you could say that many of us were hypocritical about being hypocrites, then :p
I myself have struggled with this a fair bit, though many wouldn't know that. But like I said, it's difficult to avoid. But I think it's an important thing to do so, as best you can. I certainly don't want to be a hypocrite.

As an aside, I had my first day back at uni yesterday. It was great to see everybody again, great to start learning again, because that's what I love to do. I love to learn more about things. To understand things better, that's what I try to do. And it makes it a lot easier when you're doing a course that you love doing :) So it's good to be back. And about time too.

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