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Tuesday 22 October 2013


Wouldn't it be nice
If A led to B
And B led to C
(Perhaps then maybe back to A)
Then that was the end of the story?

But that isn't how it plays
It's a touch more complex, I'm afraid

Because it likes to stop off at K and J along the way
Invite two to T, or even maybe three
Stay in Q for a bit longer than you'd like
Find that X hits the spot
And that many roads lead to B - or not to be?

Y gets revisited continuously
And U can pop in now and then
(Or even W, if you like mirrors)
G, that's quite nice - 
And O, what a great place

Though V can leave you low
Misadventures to F occur regularly
H seems to set the bar
And a bit more Z is always required
Before we reach N

And it leaves us....

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