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Monday, 11 April 2011


I've noticed that a lot of people, and a lot of programs, are spent around trying to make sure you've got enough options. And this is fair enough in itself, you know, particularly if there's something specific that you're aiming for - I mean, if you're trying to get into this particular course, then you want to do everything you can to make sure that you're able to get in.

But I suppose I've always found this interesting because of something else that I've noticed - though I'm sure that this isn't always the case, of course - but there really seems to be a plentitude of options, a million and one things that you can choose from. So I've never really found lack of options to be a problem. No, I've usually found that what seems to be lacking are the opportunities.

Opportunity seems to be something that doesn't come up very often. Or at least, some sort of decent opportunity. One example that I remember is this newsletter I get from another musician - it includes all the gigs that he's running/involved with, and there's just pages of them, just going over the next few weeks. But the ones that I can actually get to, for various reasons, are few and far between.

So the idea, is, I guess, that if you somehow manage to get a good opportunity, don't pass it up. You may not get another one. Unless you have a really, super excellent good reason.

Also, as an extra point, I think I may be starting to do a post also on either Thursday or Friday. Just because there's often a lot of different ideas I want to get down, but they don't always coalesce easily into one blog post. So this will become a two-post-a-week blog, either starting from this week or next week.


  1. Definitely agree!

    + I think doing two posts a week is a good idea if you're wanting to write a lot :D I'll certainly read them!

  2. Thanks :) Good to know that I have at least one avid reader :P


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