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Sunday, 19 June 2011

A few words of encouragement.

I've been finding myself having more to write than I've had days to write, so I've decided to do Sundays as well, to bring it up to a total of four days a week. So I'll be writing Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Today, I've had a few good words of encouragement. I had a gig today, and I had a few people who were liking what I was playing, so that was good. And I had also ran this song that I had written past one of the guys at church, and he said that he really liked it, which was really great to hear :)

I wrote the song only a couple of nights ago. I wrote it at the same time as another song, so at first, the music I was thinking of for that song was sounding very similar to the other one :P I've had that happen a ew times before, so when that does happen, I just leave it and come back to it later. And I'm really happy with it - I'm really excited about it, actually, I'm thinking about hopefully doing this as a CD at some point. Though that's thinking a fair bit down the track, unless something of a dramatic nature happens soonish...

If you're interested, the lyrics are below, and the video I did to show to the couple of guys that I sent it to is here:

About You
What if we took the religion out of religion
Got rid of any rituals or rites
Stopped waving our own sparkly banners
And started to wave the bloody and torn one of Jesus Christ
What if we put the thanks back into thanksgiving
And put the Christ back in Christmas
Stopped arguing about our differences and disagreements
And started remembering the power of love and forgiveness
What if we started to make it
All about God
All about Jesus
All about love
All about His Kingdom
All about what He's done for us and what He keeps doing
Let's stop talking about ourselves and start talking about Him
What if we shone a light for all the world to see
And sang a song that the whole world could hear
Not just talking about things that might have happened long ago
But doing things now and here
It's all about Him
We want it to be just about Him (x2)
It's all about You
We want it to be just about You (x2)
All about You
All about Your Son
All about Your love
All about Your Kingdom
All about what You've done for us and what You still do
Let's stop talking about ourselves and start talking about You

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