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Tuesday, 28 June 2011


Thankfully, as of 15 minutes ago, this internet is back up, so posting shall commence.

I have realised that this EP is probably not going to be released soon; many more ideas are coming through, and they are going to need a fair bit of organisation, time and money. The first I can do bit by bit, the second I have a fair amount of, but the third is sadly lacking. So, for the moment, it will have to wait. We'll see what happens.

I thought, however, that this was as good a place as any to put my main idea for this EP up. It's a fairly left field idea, so I suppose I'm looking for a bit of feedback. I'm sure that if Mozart is still looking at this he'll have an opinion, or even if TB happens to be looking at this again that'd be great. It's basically the words that I'd have on the insert to the CD, I guess. (So, yes, I think I will be doing a physical launch, when it comes round to it.) Will need a fair bit of fine tuning, obviously - especially if I'm wanting to get this out there a fair bit, which would be good.

Dear Reader,
This is to you. Whoever you are, wherever you are, this is for you.
We don't know whether you were given this CD by friends or family, or bought it because you liked the music, or maybe just liked the cover. But we hope, whichever it is, that when you listen to this music you will not be thinking about the person that is playing or singing, or wrote the songs. That is not what this CD is about, and this is why you will not find any names on it.
And that is why this letter is being written. Because this is about the message. The songs are decent songs, but they are only a beginning; only there to start something. A change.
This letter we are writing is a challenge for you. To start a change, to make a change, to be a change. Both in yourself and in others.
This is your Challenge to Change.
1. Say what you mean, mean what you say. Be a person of integrity, and always walk the walk as well as talking the talk.
2. Don't be a content and comfortable person. Don't just be sympathetic; and certainly don't be apathetic. Be empathetic; care, and help to make a difference.
That is our challenge to you. It is the challenge we have also taken up. Don't expect to meet it; that is an impossible task, we are human. Just do your best, and keep at it.
Hopefully, you will have received a couple of seeds with this. They are there to be a reminder for you of how much a little thing, given some patience and love, can do. Keep one and plant the other where you will see it regularly. Hopefully, it will grow well for you.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this. Now your part begins. What you do with it is your choice, and yours alone. We cannot make it for you.
We hope that you will have every success in whatever path you choose.
The Seeds of Change core team

That's it. Perhaps the point of it is ruined slightly by me posting it up here; however, I think I have few enough viewers that it should be fine. It may seem pretty corny or idealistic; as I said, it needs some fine-tuning. Your feedback would be most welcome.


  1. :D Love it. Great idea, and great message.

  2. Good to hear :) Do you think it's an idea that's possible to implement, though, in today's world? Staying anonymous would be no easy task. :P


Please, tell me what you think. I'm not psychic, and I want to know :)