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Monday 28 December 2020

On the Pervasiveness of Beauty

I can't remember if this is something that I've talked about on the blog before - but one of the gifts that I have is that I can see the beauty in everyone. And that means a few different things, that I thought were worth talking out.

Part of that is physical, and something I can see straight away as soon as I meet someone. It doesn't matter who they are, what they look like - old or young, male, female, anything else, every person is beautiful to me. Part of it is deeper, though, in seeing the beauty that is part of who people are. And that's not something I can see straight away, but it doesn't take me too long.

I find that it means I tend to see people in a very positive light - it takes quite a bit for me to view someone negatively, unless they've done something terrible. And even then, it doesn't stop me from seeing the beauty in them. Much of seeing the beauty in people does come from seeing them in-person, though - so interacting online and the like doesn't do it as much.

I've also learned that it means I connect with people quicker than most, and on a deeper level than most. I'm very quick to trust people, and quick to share with people. When you see good in pretty much everyone, you develop relationships quickly. And that can be a good thing, and a bad thing. On the good side - I can connect to people I've never met before like I've known them for a fair while, and make them feel comfortable. On the not-so-great side, it means that I often think I have a deeper connection with people than they think they do with me. And it's meant that I can fall for people annoyingly quickly, too - which isn't helpful for me, or for others either.

Being able to see the beauty in people can be a challenging thing at times, but it is something I'm grateful for. This world needs a bit more beauty in it right now - and that's something that I can help people to see. And there's plenty of beauty in other places as well, that I see - in nature, in the world around us, in music, and art, and writing, and words, and the things we create. Everywhere I go, I see beauty.

Part of that, I think, is connected to how I see God. I believe that God is a beautiful God; there are a couple of verses in the Bible that speak to that (Psalm 27:4, Isaiah 33:17), but chiefly, I believe that through my belief that every good thing comes from God. I believe that beauty is a good thing; therefore, it comes from God. Our God is a beautiful God. And so, God has instilled beauty into creation - and especially, into us, who are made in God's image. We are beautiful; because we are made in the image of a beautiful God. At least, that's what I believe. And that's what I see, when I look around this world. Perhaps I can help you to see a little of that beauty too.

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