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Friday, 2 September 2011

T for Talent.

Tonight was the high school that I went to (Macarthur Anglican School)'s Talent night, based loosely off AGT. (So they call it Macarthur's Got Talent.) This one was number 5. When I was back there, I played in number 2 and 3.

For number 2 what I did was actually a song originally by a friend of mine, from a Crusaders camp I went on - I figured out the chords at camp, but when I got home, I couldn't quite remember how all the lyrics went together. So I mashed it all up together with bits that I made up, and ended up with some sort of patchwork quilt version of my friend's song. It was called, quite simply, the Balloon song. Went down pretty darn well, a good comedy one. Will probably put up a vid of it on Youtube at some point.

Following the success of the Balloon song, a few nights later I wrote the Plastic Bag song, which ran off the same basic idea and structure. You kinda had to hear it, so I should probably put up vids of these soon, otherwise people will just be confused...and confusion is confusing... :P So that's what I did the following year, which they liked even more. They liked it enough, in fact, that I was asked to do a mini-encore.

This year I did Teacher's Pet, one that I wrote a year or two ago, I think. Can't quite remember....anyway, I've been honing that song up a fair bit, because that's what I'm planning to do (well, shortened version of) for my AGT audition. (Which I've just today received word about; they're late next month.) So this playing of it was easily my best, I think. And my Dad (who'd heard it played a couple of times before) thought that as well, so I must be doing something right :D

There was some other pretty darn good performers as well. One of the guys (one of those types that just always gets this sort of stuff, till it becomes obvious/unquestionable) did an original song that he wrote. Got a semi-standing ovation, it was pretty good. As an aside, later he said that he had 2 1/2 (:P) originals written, including that one. Which is interesting, given that I think I had about - well, maybe a dozen - written by that stage, I think. Guess that shows it's quality, not quantity. And, of course, the audience you play it to. I've always found that bigger audiences inevitably give you a better reception (unless you're bad :P), because then each person feels less awkward about clapping/laughing/cheering/whatever, because they're a much smaller portion of the crowd. Just an interesting thing I've noticed...

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