As in, done. Zap. Zing. Etc.
As in, this A to Z thing. Yay! I've managed to do a blog post every day for the last 26 days from A to Z. I'm pretty happy with that. And I'm now wondering about what to do next...if anyone has any good ideas about the next series (or any future ones) of blog posts that I could do, that would be fantasmagorical. Just spam me with ideas, better than getting none.
Oh, and here is a list of what we've gone through in the last 26 days:
Z for Zap.
Y for You.
X for Xenophobia.
W for What?
V for Vlog.
U for Understanding.
T for Talent.
S for Special.
R for Repetition.
Q for Questions.
P for Problem.
O for Opportunity.
N for Nought.
M for Modnarama.
L for Lazy.
K for Knowledge.
J for Joy.
I for Important.
H for History.
G for Girls.
F for Failure.
E for... Everything!
D for Drama.
C for Cooking.
B for Botched.
A for Anger.
So, if we add it all together, we get an Angry, Botched Cooking Drama about Everything that results in total Failure, largely due to the Girls' History. Which is Important, because Joy (who's always on about getting Knowledge) is actually fairly Lazy. Modnarama! [How else would I put that in?] But as said, it was all for Nought because of a wasted Opportunity, a Problem that raised many Questions. The frequent Repetition of these called for some Special Talent to arise, that had some Understanding of how to Vlog. What? I hear you say, that just makes no sense. Well, just because you have an acute Xenophobia, doesn't mean it should get You down. Zap!
:P Oh well, I tried. I find those things fun/ny to do.
Anyway, that's it from me for today. Tomorrow I should be uploading another vlog, I believe, for those interested.
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