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Sunday 24 June 2012

A small vent.


This is going to need a bit of backstory, so I'll start a bit earlier....

A while ago, I came across (I can't remember how) this acting thing. Basically, it was an acting opportunity. (I thought it was short films, it's actually short plays.) So you had to go for an audition. I was all pumped and ready for it, etc, and then I found out that I had a performance of The Unexpected Guest on the same day. So it wouldn't work.

Fast forward to about a week or so ago. I get contacted by them again asking if I'm still interested; they don't have enough guy actors. I say that'd be great, I meet up with the organiser. She shows me this play called in which this guy is basically teasing and tormenting these other three he's got imprisoned somehow. Casts me as Will, the teaser/tormentor (cause I can do a decent creepy voice).

Then we had our first practice/look at the scripts yesterday. Got to meet some of the other actors (fantastic bunch of guys, as an aside). It was immediately apparent that a couple of kinks needed to be ironed out in the script. They started changing up who Will was, into someone I wasn't quite so comfortable with. We finished up with that and I hung around, because they hadn't said if they would need me or not. I just watched the next one, but the one after it they asked me to read for it.

This one was a play based around the idea that there was only one cigarette left in the world. o_0 Seriously?! You could tell straight away that a young person had written it. The characters were underdeveloped and the plot was corny. But I read the part, like they asked me to. It was an easy part to do, so I was able to do it well straight up without any problems.

Fast forward to today. I thought I had better email them to check if they actually wanted me to play Carl, because they hadn't been explicit about that when I left (and they were short on guy actors, as I said). So I'd sent them that email last night. Today I get an email saying that they've gone over the first one, are changing it up a bit, and don't need me to play Will any more. ........ Then they tell me that I played Carl really well, and they want me to play him.


Yes, I'm a bit annoyed. Will was the part I was interested in. He was fun to play. Witty, smart, etc. Carl - is an idiot. He is easy to play. Ridiculously easy. As well as that, every third line or so of their dialogue has swear words in it. To be short, it's not a play that I'd be comfortable with either my friends or my family seeing me in, particularly some of my family - because I know some of them wouldn't be comfortable watching it!

Even if they take the swear words out - it's not a great play, honestly. It's just - yeah, it's annoying. :P


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