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Friday, 5 October 2012

Getting Tired.

It's said here and there that people naturally lie. It's natural for people to tell lies and keep secret, and it takes more effort to tell the truth.

But you know what? Keeping secrets takes effort too. And I'm getting tired.

It's particularly hard when you've had things building up for a while. Which is generally the case with me. Talking about a fair few years, in some cases. And, of course, what makes it harder is that I want to tell people. I would love to tell people absolutely everything, and just not care about it.

But I can't. I can't not care. And that's a good thing, I know. It's just annoying sometimes when it creates these sorts of situations. When you really want to do something, but some other part of you won't let it happen. Fighting yourself is damn hard.

I wrote another post recently. Answering the sort of questions that I always ignore, or misdirect, or something. Then I didn't put it up. Because I wondered why I was doing it. I didn't want to think I had some sort of ulterior motive happening.

Well, too bad. I'm darn we'll putting it up. I'm tired. That's why I'm doing it. And there ain't no ulterior motive here. It got kicked off to Timbuktu. Seems to happen.

And yes, I'll be OK. I'm a bit tired, annoyed and such at the moment, but I'll be OK. And Mozart, this is the one I already talked to you about. Don't worry too much.

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