Money is an unfortunate fact of this world. As I believe I've mentioned before, I'd be very happy if I never saw another dollar, note or cent. But, that would make it somewhat difficult to get by each day.
At the moment, money seems to be running ridiculously thin. First of all, we just had a new kitchen hand come in where I work, so I'm now back to two shifts a week - which isn't really enough to get me through the week. Now, I did have a bit of money saved up before. However, I've recently been to Black Stump and Masterchef Live (both absolutely fantastic), and now most of that is gone.
Added to that, recently my car's been playing up a bit. Stalling on me. It's been...quite difficult. So I took it to the mechanics - nearly $300. And he said that by the time I get the rego done (which is December), another $1000 would need to be done. It's an old car.
So, essentially, that's a lot more than the car is worth. Which means we're thinking of getting a new car. Well, not a new new car. Probably a used one, as cheap as we can find that's not going to give us problems. I'm not very good when it comes to car maintenance :P
And I would like to get to this end of year mission that the Christian group at uni does, but that's more money that I don't have. Which makes things...difficult.
So yeah.
Looking for a job. Again. :P (Preferably, not one with the difficulties I've had with my current job.)
I like your philosophy on cars - pretty much buy a bomb and run it to the ground, and then buy another bomb. I totally subscribe to this philosophy!