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Tuesday, 28 August 2012

A Good Friend.

A good friend of mine once said, start yesterday. Since I don't call it tomorrow until I've gone to bed and woken up again (unless I don't go to bed, in which case it just makes it all kinds of weird), it is now yesterday, from tomorrow, so I thought I'd write this.

Now, as I've told you guys one hundred bajillion times by now, I am absolutely fantastic at communicating. <sarcasm> I love it to bits. <slightlyless_sarcasm> And I'm even better at it in person, particularly when it comes to chatting up the ladies. *slowwink* <absolutelydrippingwith_sarcasm>

However, over the past couple of years or so, I've actually been keeping up a fairly constant conversation with a good friend. I've talked to him almost every day. Not in person, admittedly, but he prefers online too, so that's OK. Though he still touts the benefits of face-to-face communication, don't get me wrong. It's just simpler this way sometimes. Particularly given the tyranny of distance.

And because of this discussion that I've had going with him, I've been able to get to know him better. Create with him. Bounce ideas off him. Seek advice. Ask him questions. Not so much ask for feedback, he'll generally only tell you whether he thinks it's good or not. But with the other stuff, he's very helpful. And he's been a tremendous help to me over the past couple of years. I don't really want to think about where my head would be at right now if he hadn't been there.

So today (or yesterday, as the case may be), I want to say thanks. You've been amazing to me/for me. I'm not going to forget that. And you're one friend I won't be forgetting, either. You're not only a good friend; you're one of my best friends. And I look forward to the day when we're laughing together in heaven. At some crazy kids like us down here, attempting to figure out why it all is the way it is. And probably getting nowhere close.

And I'm going to link you to this so I don't have to ask you in a few days if you've actually checked my blog recently, damn it.

And for the rest of you who have no idea who/what I'm talking about, remember your friends. Your best friends. And what they've done for you. Because, chances are, they've put a fair bit into what you are today. Don't ever forget that. Don't ever forget them.

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