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Sunday, 26 August 2012

On curiosity, and little things.

I'm quite a curious person, naturally. One of my innate beliefs is that there's always another question. Always. If you can't think of another one, it's because you've discounted something or other. Sure, there's a trillion questions that are near identical - and may yield very similar answers - but there's always another question.

And I like asking questions. (I like being asked questions a bit more, honestly, but it's cool.) Partly because people are just so interesting. I think that every single person is interesting. I mean, naturally, some people are going to be more interesting to me in particular than others - I can relate to them better and such. But the people I don't find as interesting other people will find interesting. And so on and so forth.

And, you know, sometimes I'm interested in the big things. The whys and the wherefores. And we discuss the ins and outs of philosophy, theology, science, art, life, the universe, and everything.... (did someone yell 42?) but sometimes, I like to ask about the little things. Someone's favourite colour. Favourite song. Why they always wear odd socks, or decided to grow their hair long, or don't like cheese. (I think I have come across each of these, from memory.)

Just the little things. I think little things can tell you a lot about a person. For example, my favourite colours are "green, blue, or a mix of the two." A little rhyme I came up with a few years back. But they're my favourite colours for pretty good reasons; green is the grass, the leaves, the bushes and plants, forest - blue is the sky and the sea. And they're nice, deep colours.

My favourite song? That's one I'll keep to myself, for now ;)


  1. What drives you?
    Theres a big-ish question for you

  2. Depends what you mean by "drives". If you mean what is it that gets me out of bed, keeps me going through life - people, generally. Family, friends. The people I love. And God. He's good too ;) How about you?


Please, tell me what you think. I'm not psychic, and I want to know :)