Hey dudes/dudettes. Remember (if you happen to actually read this regularly, so that's probably one or two maybe) a couple of posts ago when I wrote "Also, only just remembered what I had originally planned to do for this post :P But that's cool, can save it for next time." As it happens, completely forgot what that thing was. :P Should really write these things down, cause I remember it was a good idea. Oh well. I'll just write on something else, unless I can remember that original idea.
Hmm...what to talk about. Well, how about we have a look today at a fairly scary place to be... my mind, that is.
A heck of the lot of the time, what I'm thinking about/imagining is hypothetical situations/possibilities. Of various kinds and instances. But I'm the sort of person that thinks about this stuff a lot - I'll take one situation, and take it to dozens of different tangents with ease. Suffice to say, I've got quite an imagination, but it works hand in hand with my analytical mind.
As a strange aside, in my imagination, there always seems to be quite an emphasis on sounds, rather than images. When a scene is playing out in my head, unless I'm actually concentrating on trying to do otherwise, I'll get a lot of details in sound, but only glimpses/senses/impulses (attempting to find the right word) of what the scene looks like. Perhaps it's because I'm more of an auditory learner, I dunno. Anyone else get their imaginations dominated by a particular sense?
Back out of the aside. So yeah, my mind is a lot of the time on what might happen in some distant (or not-so-distant, it varies) future. It's a lot less on how to get from A to B, and barely ever on what I'd actually do if I somehow managed to make it to B. Which isn't really very practical.
Which isn't very good. I mean, anyone could probably tell you that I'm more of a thinker than a doer; I'm not an extremely active person - when it comes to much at all, really. I talk/think/write/type/sing a fair bit about doing/changing/being various things, but it's not too common that I actually walk the walk. I suppose perhaps because I've never had that much motivation to do so. It's very easy to just be a voice, and leave it at that.
I'm hoping to change that. It's going to be difficult, but I'm going to give it my best shot. I know that I'm going to have a decent hand from God - because he wants me doing this more than I do - so once I get going, I should be able to do this. I think. It's the getting going that's always difficult.
Hypotheticals are VERY DANGEROUS. They can mess you up very badly. It's good you're trying to live more in the now :D because it's dangerous to place too many "assumptions" on the future.
ReplyDeleteNow, senses in dreams. I have to say that mine is certainly visual, and I don't think I know anyone else who actually hears in dreams :P You're one of a kind!
Haha. Depends how serious you are about them, and most of them I wasn't. It was more about "I wonder what I'd do if this happened?" Plus, how else do people do forward planning? They can be dangerous by themselves, yes, but if used well they can be useful tools. And I'm absolutely no good at being spontaneous, so pretty much most of what I say/do draws on a heck of a lot of previous thoughts/actions/ideas/etc.
ReplyDeleteNot dreams, imagination. Difference. I meant when I'm just imagining something in my head, not while I'm asleep. My dreams are similarly very visual - most of the time - when I actually have/remember them, and I sometimes don't have sound, and most - in fact, pretty much all of the time, can't speak. Generally that's because those ones that I do remember are the ones I wake up in the middle of, so I'm already partially awake or something, so I know that speaking there is speaking here... or something like that. :P