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Thursday, 15 March 2012

Dragon Training makes a mark.

Yeah, I didn't have an interview on Monday. Sorry about that. Need to get my act together and such. Hopefully have one for next Monday. Anyway, review. Errr....what to review. Yes. Oh, right. That would make sense. Movie happening right next to me. That'll work.

How To Train Your Dragon is one of the most recent animated offerings from Dreamworks Pictures. Put simply, it's about a Viking who's not really Viking-material. He's skinny, small, and actually has some brains. Hey, who knows, maybe he's an aspie too ;) Heck, now I'll be playing Spot The Aspie in all the movies I'm watching :P Anyway. He wants to prove himself as a Viking to the other guys, so he manages to use a crossbow-net type device to bring down the fastest, hardest dragon the Vikings know. But then he can't kill it. And ends up riding it. Of course. Natural association.

The film explores issues like not fitting in, taking a stand, being independent, you know, the typical ones you get with this sort of one. Basic plot narrative: Scrawny guy enlists help of hardcore girl (who he likes) plus geek guy, annoying twins, and stupid guy to face insurmountable obstacle, while being ostracised and reconciling with his dad along the way. That's probably been done somewhere before, I guess.

Pretty good. Some interesting characters for comic relief and such. The different types of dragons make it quite interesting. And, of course, they match up nicely to....well, if you watch it/have watched it, you'll see.

Downsides: Plot fairly predictable; not sure if you would have geeks in Viking times; accents a bit varied and such. Dragon at the end looks more like a T-Rex with absurdly sized wings.
Upsides: Interesting and humourous characters, some good moments. Good to see they used actual runes.

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