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Monday, 16 January 2012

Finding your "true name"

Knowing yourself is a bit more complicated than it might seem. People often aren't that introspective until they're forced to be. Though most people would say they know themselves - I'd say that most only know a part.

In the Inheritance series (starting with Eragon) there's the concept of a "true name". The idea is that your true name describes you completely. All of you. The ups and the downs, the ins and the outs. You get it. Of course, people didn't know it instinctively. (Well, the elves did, but they're elves :P) They had to figure it out, through a heck of a lot of soul-seeking, as it were. It wasn't an easy thing. But if you knew your true name, then you knew yourself. Of course, if other people knew it, then they knew you, and had an element of control over you.

Knowing yourself, of course, isn't a walk in the park. And that's good, I think, but it does make things difficult.

I've been attempting to do my own sort of song about me (that I mentioned a while back) but it's proving to be fairly difficult. Hopefully, though, should be done within the week.

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