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Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Promises are one of the harder things to keep; up there with a butterfly in your hand, an ice cube on a hot day, and your sanity. EEEAAGGGHHH! Kidding.

But they are something that we seem to make a lot of. And break a lot of. And consequently, promises don't seem to be worth as much. Some people go the route of never making promises. Other people say to never make a promise you can't keep. The problem is, of course, that there are many promises that you can keep that you won't. It's a thorny problem.

I've fallen down on my fair share of promises in my lifetime. Quite a lot of them. Partly because I regard me saying I'll do X as a promise in itself. But I haven't got a fantastic track record, you could say. So I do the best I can to keep them. Because trust - as I believe I've mentioned in one of these posts around here somewhere - is very important to me. And you're not going to gain any by breaking promises. Even if you happen to be good at saying sorry. That might just gain you a bit of goodwill, but not trust. That's going to require a bit more work.

And don't be too hard on yourself if you can't keep all of your promises all the time. You're human. We tend to stuff things up a fair bit.

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