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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

R for Repetition.

Repetition, repetition...repetition, repetition....
That's what I've been looking at this last hour or so, as it's what I'm doing a presentation on tomorrow. The idea is that money has lead music to lose creativity, and become repetititititititive...

It's hard to argue against it. It's not like there's any one amazing composer that you can point to and say, "They were creative, and not repetitive!" because chances are, no matter who you point to, you're going to have an angry mob come after you.

I'm hoping that at some point we will actually get some exceptional creativity. That there won't just be minimal change. But I don't think there's much chance of it :P


  1. I think, there is the most important thing in all kind of arts: creativity. The person, who invented his own style of performing can call himself 'the leading' person in his work. It's better to repeat after something, that you've made earlier, than after something, someone has already done.

  2. Building on what the Girl of the Sun says, I think that Attali (whom I believe you would be referencing) fails to take into account the idea of "creativity". He unfairly assumes that all musicians are motivated by money. This is true to an extent, but forgets that people will continue making music even when there is no money available. The real issue in my opinion is that money is easy to get hold of by offering "more of the same", which means that few people have to suffer for their art. You no longer have to have a belief that what you are doing is truly creative. If you look at history, true creativity has come from places where the musicians have had some degree of suffering, whether this be a lack of publicity or acceptance, or outright condemnation.

    So, I think that yes, music is repetitive as a result of being able to get easy money, but I don't think that creativity is being stifled, we just need to look at places where money perhaps is not an issue.

  3. The thing is, Girl of the Sun, that most 'new' styles are led up to by those that came before them; it's less of a jump, more of a fade in.
    It was actually Macarthur this week, Mozart. I'll actually be looking into that idea in my discussion question - but the idea is that when there's so much money around music that they become inseparable (so the big stars, in whatever style/genre), then music becomes repetitive. So I suppose if you can find one of them who gives away most of it, maybe then.


Please, tell me what you think. I'm not psychic, and I want to know :)