Thought I'd post up here a few things relating to Black Stump.
Firstly, this was the first time I've gone, and it was absolutely epic. Highly suggest it to anyone interested in next year's one. :)
Also, the donuts were ridiculously good, and the comedy debate was hilarious :D "Social Networking Is Anti-Social" was the debating point. As you can imagine, they had a ball with it. :)
Aside from the comedy and the donuts, however, the big thing for me was the sermon that the guy gave for the sunday night worship. And wow. What a sermon. It started off being about the different things that we worship (as a point of interest, he said that the three of this age are materialism, sexuality and individuality), and then he went around to describing this dance - because apparently that's how the old church originally defined the Trinity, when they sat down to do all this. The word they came up with, from the Jewish or Greek or whatever it was, means the dance of life, or the dance of joy. And the idea was that if you loved someone, you danced around them - rather than you wanting everything to go around you.
And he gave us this scene from his friend's life where he was attending this Jewish Orthodox wedding - and the thing they did, after the wedding, was have a dance. And they had the men on one side, and the women on the other, and a guy ran and put a wine glass in front of the bridegroom. The groom brought his foot down on top of it - and they all started madly dancing, wildly dancing. And this guy's friend couldn't make head or tail of it. And then, suddenly, there's the groom, pulling him in to the dance floor, a Western man at a Jewish wedding - and he starts to dance with the best of them.
And he said that that was one of the best metaphors for the Bible he'd ever heard. God is having a massive dance, and his Son invites us in. And sometimes people might think we're crazy, or lunatics, or downright weird. But if it's like it should be, then they certainly won't think we're boring.
That struck me. That's what I'm going to try and do. :)
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