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Thursday 31 December 2015

Looking back on 2015....

This year has been very different to last year. Last year was about learning, and understanding; this year has been about doing, and growing. Though there's still been plenty of learning and understanding along the way as well.

It's been the year where I was struggling with finances, but God showed that he could provide for me; both by helping me in those times, and pulling me through to something better.
It's been the year where I got to have heaps of fun working on both Spamalot and A Few Good Men.
It's been the year where I ended up working in a warehouse, the sort of job that I was never interested in; but I know that it's the place I should be.
It's been the year where I've struggled, and sometimes fallen; but God has always been there, and connecting with me in new ways.
It's been the year where I've had great times with friends, old and new. Where I've had the opportunity to be there for others, and where people have really been there for me.
It's been the year where I've been unsure as to my direction; but God has given me focus.
It's been the year where I haven't always known what to do; but that's okay.
It's been the year where I've been hit by lots of surprises; both good and bad, but I've gotten through!
It's been the year where I've had the chance to collaborate and create new and exciting things with great people.

It's been a hard year, and a good year. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you to everyone who has made this year incredible; it's always about the people, more than anything else. You're amazing. And next year is looking very interesting indeed. But I will leave that for my next post ;)

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